Friday, January 1, 2010

Broccoli, alond & Chive soup

Another soup recipe, based on my standard formula, i.e. blended stuff + chopped stuff. I like chopping everything pretty small so it's easier to eat. So I threw all this stuff in a pot together, cooked it for 25 minutes, after blending the stuff on the first list. DELICIOUS!

olive oil
almond butter
herb seasoning
salt or liquid aminos

NAPA cabbage
chives (bottoms... tops go into blender)
chinese celery
almonds (I put in lots... or you could use chicken or fish for the protein source.... or beans if you eat starch, which I do not)

Add enough water to cover most of the veggies, and cook it. MMMM.

The trick to these soups is to use PLENTY of herb for the blend. The last recipe (cabbage soup) I used a lot of basil in the blend, this time I used a lot of tomatoes and chives. I even forgot to put in onions... But the soup ended up with an amazing amount of flavor. Once I discovered herbs, I realized that I never needed to buy a can of brother again!

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